I get it, you are fed up with your job and you want out, it doesn’t matter where you go as long as it’s not where you’re currently working right? Wrong.
Now don’t get me wrong I’ve been there before, the online job search can be a perilous one full of acronyms and minimum experience required and you find yourself thinking, it’s a numbers game right. Yes, there is something to be said for having multiple opportunities on the table to bench mark but spamming your CV out in the hope of someone, anyone calling you back is most likely going to land you in a position very similar to the one that has driven you to the depths of Seek.com currently.
The clever job seekers, no matter how dire their situation, approach their search with a tailored approach and an underlying knowledge of what they are looking for next. Taking control of your career means making considered decisions in the application process, questions to ask yourself before hitting send include:
If you want to go to the next level of targeted job searching, don’t leave yourself endlessly scrolling through job boards becoming disheartened by the lack of inspirational opportunities or lack of responses from those that you do apply to.
Think about the type of company you want to work with and which department within that company you would be able to contribute most based on your experience and skills. Once you have done your research, do something different and reach out to them with your own personal and professional unique selling proposition. Create something eye-catching, stand out from the rest and explain why their company and culture has caught your eye and why you aspire to join.
Saying you do cool stuff and I like your Instagram won’t cut it. This is a business conversation and you need to be able to portray why you will become a financial and cultural asset to the company. It might be a slow burn but a worthwhile one, this approach will allow you to know that every bit of effort you are putting into your tailored applications is empowering you in your job search. When you do hear back you can then go through the interview process confident that you know in your heart you believe you are right for the role, which, trust me will definitely show!
Also, remember your friendly iknowho talent consultants are always here to provide advice at any stage of your job search. For a full range of our creative agency and marketing roles available visit iknowho.com.au